Cody J. Schmidlin
Research Advisor:
Donna Zhang
Research Topic:
The NRF2 Signaling Pathway
Selected Publications:
Tian W, Rojo de la Vega M, Schmidlin CJ, Ooi A, and Zhang DD. Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 (KEAP1) differentially regulates nuclear factor erythroid-2–related factors 1 and 2 (NRF1 and NRF2). Journal of Biological Chemistry 2017 Dec 18;293.
Dodson M, Rojo de la Vega M, Cholanians AB, Schmidlin CJ, Chapman E, Zhang DD. Modulating NRF2 in disease: Timing is everything. Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology 2018 Sept 26;59.
Schmidlin CJ, Dodson M, Madhavan L, and Zhang DD. Redox regulation by NRF2 in aging and disease. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 2019 Jan 14.
Ambrose A, Zerio C, Sivinski J, Schmidlin CJ, Shi T, Ross A, Widrick KJ, Johnson SM, Zhang DD, and Chapman E. A high throughput substrate binding assay reveals hexachlorophene as an inhibitor of the ER-resident HSP70 chaperone GRP78. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2019 May 20.
Schmidlin CJ, Dodson M, and Zhang DD. Filtering through the role of NRF2 in kidney disease. Archives of Pharmacal Research 2019 Aug 1.
Selected Awards/Honors:
Abraham & MacDonald Graduate Student International Research Award, College of Pharmacy, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ (2018)
Graduate Student Representative, Mechanisms Specialty Section, Society of Toxicology (2018)
Poster Award (Top 5), Environmental Response V, Sendai, Japan (2019)
Graduate Student Representative, Cancer Biology Graduate Interdisciplinary Program, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ (2019)
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Training in Environmental Toxicology of Human Disease Pre-doctoral Fellowship (T32-ES007091) (2019)
Finalist, Carl C. Smith Graduate Student Award, Mechanisms Specialty Section, Society of Toxicology, Baltimore, MD (2019) and Anaheim, CA (2020)
Herbert Carter Travel Award, Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ (2020)
Selected Presentations:
Society of Toxicology, Baltimore, MD, US (2019)
“EGFR-FAM129B activation of NRF2.”
Environmental Response V, Sendai, Japan (2019)
“NRF2 promotes lung cancer cell migration and invasion via regulation of SOX9”
Environmental Response V, Sendai, Japan (2019)
“Induction of the NRF2 signaling pathway mitigates radiation-induced dermatitis”
Mountain West Regional Chapter, Society of Toxicology, Phoenix, AZ, US (2018)
“NRF2 Activation by Geopyxins Protects Cells from Toxicants.”
Annual Meeting, Society of Toxicology, Anaheim, CA, US (2020)
“Chronic arsenic exposure promotes invasion and migration via NRF2 regulation of SOX9.”
- University of Arizona, BS, Chemistry, 2016
- University of Arizona, BA, Spanish, 2016